Click the link to read the Spring 2013 FSA Newsletter! All sorts of cool information about the Forestry Scholarship Association and what we are doing
Author Archives: alex
December 2, 2012 Board Meeting Minutes
To view the minutes from the December 2, 2012 Forestry Scholarship Association Board of Directors meeting, CLICK HERE. Please contact us with any questions or concerns.
The Forestry Scholarship Association Fall 2012 Newsletter is here!
The first edition of the Forestry Scholarship Association newsletter has arrived! Click HERE to read it online. As always, if you have any questions about the FSA, please contact us.
L-280 was a success!

This gallery contains 13 photos.
The leadership training hosted by the FSA, L-280 “Followership to Leadership” was a great success! THANK YOU to everyone who helped out with L-280 “Followership to Leadership” this weekend, especially Forestry Club and Foresters’ Ball Faculty Advisor- Beth Dodson. Our … Continue reading
Leadership Training: L-280 “Followership to Leadership”
The FSA is hosting leadership training for CFC students this weekend. We are offering L-280-Followership to Leadership on Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 6-7. We currently have 17 students enrolled and will be accepting nominations until the end of Wednesday, Oct. 3. For more information or if you are interested in attending the class or helping out, email Alex Williams at [email protected]