100th Foresters’ Ball


Fellow Alumni,

It's time to celebrate! 2017 marks the 100th Foresters' Ball, an occasion far too exciting to allow to pass without proper notice. This is the ideal time to get together with friends, old and new, to share and remember the Balls of our youth. We invite all classes to come back to Missoula to celebrate the 100th Foresters' Ball February 3 and 4, 2017. We hope to help the 100th Foresters' Ball be the best in its history and a goal for each successive Ball to strive to reach in terms of fun and funds raised for scholarships.

Proposed activities during the week before Ball include Convocation, field trips, tours, activities with current students, a dinner banquet, and, of course, the Ball itself. Hotel blocks will be reserved.

We’ll post a full schedule and more details at: www.cfc.umt.edu/ball/default.php
and in the Facebook group www.facebook.com/groups/forestersballreunion/

Email us at [email protected] to continue receiving updates, let us know you’re coming, or get involved in planning. Or call 406-549-9835 (Cindy Babon).

Please share this with friends and classmates, especially those who may not have access to email.

Kate Page, Chief Push 100th Ball
Steve Shuck, Chief Push 61st Ball

Leadership Training: L-280 “Followership to Leadership”

The FSA is hosting leadership training for CFC students this weekend. We are offering L-280-Followership to Leadership on Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 6-7. We currently have 17 students enrolled and will be accepting nominations until the end of Wednesday, Oct. 3. For more information or if you are interested in attending the class or helping out, email Alex Williams at [email protected]